$2.73 for the first 1 hour
$0.68 for subsequent 15 minutes
$2.94 for the first 1 hour
$0.74 for subsequent 15 minutes
Carpark grace period for cars is 10 minutes
Season parking Rates
- S$279.04 per month, inclusive of prevailing GST
1. Kindly make your payment via PayNow to UEN ID: 200603889ED01
2. Make a bank/ATM transfer to Orchard Central Pte Ltd, DBS 003-905526-9
3. Provide Proof of Receipt After Payment: Submit transaction summary through email to ross-carpark@fareast.com. Kindly forward the form completion email sent to your inbox together with your payment proof.
All rates quoted are inclusive of prevailing GST.
Terms and conditions apply.